On the other hand, comparative analysis of numerous derived human embryonic stem (hES) cell lines demonstrated that they differed in cell growth rate, gene expression profiles, gene methylation profiles, and microRNA profiles. Despite different origin, all pluripotent stem cell lines display considerable similarity of the basic biological properties: high self-renewal rate and ability of in vitro and in vivo differentiation into a wide variety of cell types. There are three technologies of reprogramming: somatic cell nuclear transfer, fusion of pluripotent and somatic cells, and induction of pluripotency in somatic cells by introduction of pluripotency-related genes or proteins. Another approach is experimental genome reprogramming of somatic cells to change their differentiation potential. The traditional way consists in the isolation of pluripotent cells from preimplantation embryos or the conversion of embryonic germ line cells into pluripotent stem cells.

Two approaches for pluripotent stem cell line production have been developed. The identification of CTA expression patterns in pluripotent stem cells and their derivatives may be useful for isolation of abnormally CTA-expressing cells to improve the safety of stem-cell based therapy. Moreover, our analysis has shown that CTAs are aberrantly expressed in cancer cell lines and display low tissue specificity. Despite similarity of the hES and hEC cell expression patterns, MAGE-A2 and MAGE-B2 were detected only in hEC cells but not in hES cells. Likewise, mouse pluripotent stem cells also express CTAs of Magea but not Mageb family. Undifferentiated hES cells and embryoid body cells expressed MAGE-A3, -A6, -A4, -A8, and GAGEs while later differentiated derivatives expressed only MAGE-A8 or MAGE-A4. The expression patterns of cancer-testis antigens (CTAs) MAGE-A2, -A3, -A4, -A6, -A8, -B2, and GAGE were examined in undifferentiated human embryonic stem (hES) cells, their differentiated derivatives, teratocarcinoma (hEC) cells, and cancer cell lines of neuroectodermal and mesodermal origin. Pluripotent stem cells can differentiate into various lineages but undergo genetic and epigenetic changes during long-term cultivation and, therefore, require regular monitoring.